After Cyber day

So what did you get for Cyber day?
What I meant was how was your Black Thanksgiving?
Oops perhaps we have lost the holiday?
Yes Virginia we have Lost Thanksgiving to Shopping because we all know its more important to camp out at Best Buy than have dinner with family and friends.

OK So I've lost my love of Black Friday when most places were open Thanksgiving Day.
We slept in for the first time in years then we went to Sears and Sams Cub and El mazatalan.

Thanksgiving was good, We had dinner at a friends house here and it was home made pasta, ham and champagne (I lost count after the third bottle was opened). Just joking.

Christmas shopping is done all but the Dads and small stuff like service people and neighbors ect...
I'm off to hunt down ornament and card ideals. I cant wait until Friday!


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