earring retrieve

How to retrieve an earring from the drain........
first you must receive a very nice earring for your anniversary gift
then you must wear them
so that when you take them off over the sink one of them can bounce off of your boob and into the drain
then you must gasp
then your husband must say whats wrong
then your husband must say "i know you didn't drop that new earring down the drain"
then you must cry
then words must be said that we wont repeat from both husband and wife
husband will demand you not to touch earring that is hanging for life on the end of plunger that has a very small lip to hold said earring
you can see it with the l e d flash light
your scrapbboking grabbie thingie would grab it
you don't try because you don't want to make husband more mad if it were to fall into the p-trap
then husband might try to retrieve earring and you might hear it plop down into the p-trap
then you might be "directed" to clean out from under the sink
*note* you cant help but..... you can clean from under the sink*
then words may be said that we wont repeat from wife to quiet husband
husband might not appoligize
then a shop vac may be kicked from the garage to the bedroom bath
(a wheel may later be missing from said shop vac)
then pantiehose will cover the end of the shop vac
and the earring will be recovered.....

then you may choose never to wear earings again!

*husband might later appoligize for telling you to clean and not help*


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