Blue moon

Melinda's blog has been added to the side bar, it was great to see her on Saturday!
Why I cant get the link above to work here on the page is a mystery, but the side bar link works!
I had a great time this weekend we were missing a few so if you weren't at the crop I hope to see you the next time! And DW gets a special shout out for all that fantastic food she made us. Betty once again Thank You for sharing your building with a bunch of hooligans (at the current point in time the hooligan would be me).

HAPPY LATE Birthday to Barb!

One of my favorite songs as a kid was blue moon it was sung by Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra and went something like this:
Blue moon, you saw me standing' alone
Without a dream in my heart,
without a love of my own
Blue moon,
you knew just what I was there for
You heard me sayin' a prayer for
Someone I really could care for

So after this weekends festivities I designate this Blue week on the Blog!
Just be careful and watch out for the infamous BLUE BUCKET you never know whats been in it!
AM I in trouble or what?


Betty said…
Hilarious!!!! Cracking me up...

I promise to post the one and only original blue bucket tonite. Stay tuned!!!

What a great weekend, great food, awesome stamping projects as always and great friends who make me laugh....
Debbie H said…
Love the blue theme, LOL! Thanks for sharing Melinda's blog, I'll get her on my Igoogle. Had a great time this weekend, can't wait for the next round.

Deb H

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