Now and then

Again I leave the blog unattended  for far to long. So here's what's been going on in my world.
Half of January was spend with my Mom and Dad. We finally made to B.G. mid month. The following weeks were swallowed up by the worlds shortest successful garage sale, clean on a level where I wore a make because of my sneezing tendencies and absolutely not one night of leisure until January 29. That night evening was spent on couch with pillows and sleep.

February started a little more normal then we headed back to B.G. To put the house for sale, we listed it and blazed a trail to Texas. After that time I have spent all my time battling my health. Staying well has become a challenge. Yesterday was a tough day in that area and truthfully it's down right scary.  I would appreciate any prayers! Soon as I'm on the mend I'll get back to posting!



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