fame monster, WILD about wild card

You know some things in life aren't worth talking about and some are. I'm aware we have breaking news it was a historic day yesterday. Yet I really don't want to talk about it, its over said and done with. This is my blog, this is my happy place and hopefully yours so lets continue on with the happy shall we?

OMG oodness I purchased wild card in a Custom Crops $17.00 sale I've never been sure I'd like it. Let me count the ways I'm in love with this cartridge! Wait I love it so much its hard to count the good things about it.

So I'll show you a few things I really want the courage to do 30 things in 30 days with the cart but I think I may fall short. So I wont promise30 cuts from one cartridge but I will work with it and it the next few days.

I know weather is not fun anywhere. I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs I'm so tired of waking up to a cold 40 something every freaking morning.


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