say what have u been up 2?

Today is test painting day
um yea?

Use it or loose it from the pantry shelves

Yesterday the pantry became clean and not far from empty
we have enough tea and sugar for a month as well as pancake/waffle mix, caned tomatoes, and baked beans.
Clean empty storage containers now replace my (invaded) wheat bugged flour.

And last but not least a clean cabinet shelf's that pretty much hold tea and a a few other small things.

The next few days will involve a paint brush (fun?) and lots and lots and lots of cleaning. Thankfully the trash man runs today and will pick up all our defrosted freezer goodies.
That is all...... for now........


Debbie H said…
Your pantry looks like mine. I ripped the door off my big baking cupboard by mistake and Wayne is emptying everything so he can fix it. How embarrassing, I have enough baking ingredients for a LOT of baking!
Betty said…
Cleaned out and arranged cupboards too over the holiday break! Makes it easier to maintain the growing hoards of coupon finds. LOL!

Are you all in BG this week?

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