Its snowvember..

Its November 12 it has snowed twice and winter is more than a month away. At this point I'm worried I won't get to go home for Christmas and its important I go, I need to buy a headstone for Mom and Dad's grave. At least I only need to do that once and have done it before for my Aunt Jane. I bet we have had 3 to four inches of snow I dread driving in it tomorrow.

Tonight at midnight Stephanie Plum 25 comes out. I didn't order the book because I've been disappointed the last say ten books so I ordered the audio
. It's no where as good as it once was (like everything else). I'm hoping to hear from my fellow Ranger friends that its unbelievably wonderful.

Hubby has been home for three days I've enjoyed it and I'm going to be lonely tomorrow not having my Pumpkin or Mom to talk to.

Turkey shepherds pie is going in the oven tonight perfect for a very cold and snowy night.


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