I uh, oops!

So I uh updated this blog and kinda erased my comments so like next time I'll just write a new article mmk. So like if you want to see a totally cool scrapbooker comment on this past article I suggest going to http://www.blogger.com/publish-comment.do?blogID=36188744&postID=116126530398106901&r=ok

All rightie. The comments were important to me because Emily Adams (one of my former CKU teachers posted) so it's like very big deal to me.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry for erasing any posts!


Chelle said…
Can't wait for the weekend either. I too have met great friends scrappying.
I will be there friday pm and until 3/4 on Saturday. see ya all then

Gobble Gobble

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