Tag your it

So I've been wanting to make a tag book forever but still haven't gotten around to it if you know what I mean. Well I found the perfect tag last night at HL. The tag is part of a tag making kit for Christmas( I was so tempted to use the pre made for a tag swap this weekend but I did resist)its big and put out by making memories. I also took apart the library card type folder (in the mm kit)and traced it onto paper using it as a pattern for my upcoming tag swap. I so wanted to do pink and green for Christmas but could not find a bit of paper to do it with. I settled for pink red paisley and green and white accents. So far I have the pockets cut out and together but not the tags yet, I'll do them later today.

I'm so excited about our crop this weekend. For a short amount of time I didn't enjoy scrap booking because I had some experiences that weren't positive. Now that, that has been put behind me I look forward to creating and having a great time with my fellow scrappers. I have made great friendships and encountered some of the most sweetest people while discovering a true passion of mine. So the next time you crop till you drop
be thankful for the fellowship,
be thankful for the friendship,
be thankful for discovering a craft that has not only has widened you life by friendships but has helped you fall in love with your family all over again in just the very second that the picture lets you inside it of it.
my best 2 u


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