the continuance of the shaking

Well while I was fast asleep last night we again had another aftershock around 12:30 ush. (I slept right thought it) but my sis and the lamp shade we up shaking. Anybody else?

Last night Rod helped me plant a very small flower bed in the back yard
he did the digging and grass removal (the hard part)and I did the planting and raking (the easy part) In the flower bed I planted gladiolas, elephant ears, and something called White Christmas and ,Cannes in which back home we call them cannons. And tonight will be so exciting, we will mulch the new flower bed.

As far as projects I have nothing to show you maybe tomorrow or later today. My comments are still being moderated. And I'm sorry about that I'm still having a spammer so until spammy goes away it will be this way.

Betty thanks again for this weekend and I hope your party went well yesterday.




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