
The Pioneer Mother
Located near

The Sana Fe Trail, Organ Trail and California Trail

Penn Vally Park, Kansas City

Sunday, Aug 22

Howard Vanderslice was some wealthy dude(about 100 years ago) who donated lots money to Kansas City and this statue. This statue "portrays" his Grandparents and his Father and the difficult life they led. The Penn Vally Park (see statue above) is located on the Sana Fe Trail. The Sana Fe is one of the great big wagon trails the led to....I'm guessin Sana Fe, New Mexico? I suppose. You cant see it well in my pictures but in the statue is engraved "Whither Thou Goest". To tell you truthfully Jesus, Rod and I had a moment together while staring at this lady. I'm very very thankful my journey across the Mississippi wasn't in a canoe, covered wagon, stage coach or train. No it was in a SUV that had heat, and air, cruise control and a Garmin.

"And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:"
Ruth 1:16 KJV

The Scout

You can read about the statue here but it may not be interesting to you.

The Rosedale Memorial Arch

And the same with the arch.
That's all for now!

*Remember to keep Debbie Harris and her family in your Prayers.


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