Christmas alert

Wal mart has the Cricut cartridges "Christmas Cheer" at the Campbell lane store. A side note: you can't find it anywhere else (I looked for it at three different stores up north). And Hobby Lobby has the all my memories tote in pink, green, and purple for 25 or 29 (mental block)bucks and if you use your coupon, well that's one good deal! I paid 50 buck for that think about 15 mos ago ugh! That's it for today I'm working on some projects for Friday! Blessings A


Wal martsells the tote for 69
Betty said…
Yep, I saw the AMM totes at HL Monday night. That's a great deal with the coupon.

What totes are you referring to for $69.00? The cricut one?
Chelle said…
so angie do you own a cricut now??
Yes the cricut tote and as of Christmas I will have a cricut. Clipie man wont let me have it until then, although he did say i could use it for Christmas cards since he bought me the Christmas cartridge.
Yes. It's at hb, It's by making memories (the runway tote)and you can use a coupon (like me). They should have it in pink, black, and green. I dont like the over the shoulder tote that matches,(it does not hold much).

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