Play station 3 = they are not husband material

Yesterday I found the perfect Christmas tree so as a result Mr. Incredible and I went to stare at letter N and to eventually purchase it. I wanted him to see it, so off we went to Wally world. This was new experience for both of us, we never have bought a Christmas while married (we bought one before) I was sick as a dog and he asks "want a tree?" I said "I like the one at Hearts"( a k-mart like store that used to be up north) so our tree is like 15 years old and needs replacing real bad. So on the way he needs to take a quick trip to Best Buy.

Now I don't know if any of you bother to watch the local news, we usually don't. The news is usually two days old and a repeat of last weeks, if ya know what I mean. But apparently last night they had a clip on what was going down at BB, (so hubby tells me) . The play station 3 is due out (this mooring) tomorrow morning at 8:00. Well lo and behold there is a line of about 20 boys and I mean boys (collage years) camped out beside the front doors. Some are playing bean bag toss while others are huddled in tents and a few are starting to resemble frozen popsicles. I'm thinking why? 1. Good reason could be to sell it on e-bay, if you were smart, but I'm pretty sure they weren't those type of people. Do people who use e-bay shout "hey due!" when some one makes a bean bag basket? I guess anything is possible. As we made our way through the store there was a definite air of what is to come in the morning. At the check out (some what close to the doors) a young single check out girl is obviously annoyed by the young male shouts of revelation do to the bean game outcome. She had sighed deeply before she even ca blinked the second season of home improvement.
I said: you've got a loud crowd out there don't you.
clerk: yep
me: are you single
her: yes
me: I said go outside and check them out burn there faces in your memory
her: Why ( she obvious wants a quality man)
me : so you can remember what they all look like
her: blink
me: they are not husband material
her : big smile, that's good I'll remember that

She is on her way to becoming a smarter woman. My niece dated one of these play station men he was 32 and loved his play station more than her. Side note; her previous B F was as well.
So to the mothers out there: tell your daughters If they play, play station beware.
For the single woman: make sure play station is not his first wife!


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