dream cameras

so I have just two things to say
I'm so ready to scrap tomorrow that I cant sit still and
what type of camera do you have? and What type of camera would you like to have?
I'll state the obvious I think I'm going to buy an slr I need advice.


taco soup sounds yummy, I have never had it.
Chelle said…
Hey guys i just have a digital that does more stuff than i can figure out. I too can't wait to scrapbook. I still am bringing cold spinach dip and have found this yummy sweet I'm bringing to share. See you all Friday at 5ish.
Betty said…
You all have no idea how much I am looking forward to this weekend...
And I'm being totally serious..

As far as cameras go - I have a digital I got a couple of years ago, it's OK. I have a 35mm SLR that I am in no way ready to give up yet. The picture quality is awesome.

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