

Do you think Santa ever took a course in time management? When he was taking Clause classes did they show him the busy lives of wife's and mothers and let them explain multitasking? I think we all feel the need for a time management class's except we don't have time for the class, or the time to think about something like that. Most of us don't have the time to read our favorite blogs and attend to our favorite hobbies in fact most of you are probably feeling guilty about taking the time to read this. We all are in the same boat so busy that you are multi tasking your own thoughts, and multiple lists being made at one time. My mother who knows I get overwhelmed quickly taught me to start small. Lets say you need to clean the hurricane oops I meant house, start with the smallest room and work your way to the largest. Start in the corner of the room, not the middle, so you can look back on your cleaning and think I'm half way there. That theory always has worked for me small to large. And don't for get time to breathe while you are cleaning/cooking/packing/whatever, take a moment to enjoy that you have had another Christmas on this earth. Enjoy the rush and know that in the end of the hustle and bustle it's usually worth it. As the saying goes IF your coming to see me, come anytime. If y your coming to see the house you had better wait a few years...... Keep it light hearted and if you don't get it done make everyone help or don't feed them. (just joking about the don't feed them part, they will get dinner, it will just be later!)
I have a very busy week ahead of me (just like all of you) who knows how much bloggin will get done but take some time every day to for you even if it's only 5 minutes or looking through a magazine, give yourself the gift of sanity.
Remember to pray for everyone traveling in the next week (deb h's parents are going to give her a visit this week, they will travel from the great white north)


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