bob, cat, page

First off Happy Birthday (one day late) Chelle!
I hope you had a great day.
I know I'm late,I'm sorry my brain is so small, if its any consultation I did remember at 11:30 last night while in bed.
More wildlife
I don't know if you know but..... bobcats are common (here) out west. They sorta look like domestic cats and can be close in size especially when young.
Bobcat, not a cat named "Bob".
Not all that scary looking however not that friendly. They top my Pumpkins ornery temper. Even with her "not so cute, I'm not amused look" she doesn't compare to the temperament of the bobs.
No wait that's to big......... (random cow {or is it a bull?}at Western University farm
Hmm I'm looking for fur not feathers........(my two favorite white ducks that live in the ponds in Mo)
OK I've got the fur right but the reproduction cycle is off. (this would be the back yard bully that eats everything green)
That's it my baby!
OK so "Bob" of the cats inspired this page in my Kansas City envelope album.
btw Deb. H what happened to the kitty? Did you take him in?

Off to the pool!


Debbie H said…
Very informative post! Yes, Simba is officially adopted, I should post on Facebook. He is actually in the house now, I never thought I'd see the day. Bart is not happy, but he has stopped growling at Simba and pretty much just ignores him. Simba follows Bart around like a puppy dog, he wants to be friends so badly, but he knows not to get too close!

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