bangs or no bangs

I've been contemplating bangs or no bangs for quite some time. Like since March and I still cant make up my mind. Of course there is the obvious answer if you don't like the bangs you are stuck with wearing barrettes on your head for about a year. Maybe I'll do a supper small bang you know the wispy type. So later today I'll be talking this over with Nikki my hair lady.

On a more disturbing note, on Labor day we drove out to Franklin and back and saw hunters close to our house. I'm not quite sure what they were doing but several men were "poised" on a property about a 1/2 mile from the house. They were sitting in a field of freshly cut corn waiting for something. Weather they were having trouble with coyotes or wild dogs (there are both here I'm pretty sure) or if it was something different like Bambi, I'm still not comfortable with it taking place so close to the house. Rod has not went hunting since we got married so the issue has never really come up between us. I don't mind if it's population control cause it's better that then starving that's horrible to see (unfortunately I have back home). If you cant afford cow or bird and you must hunt for food OK you can have Bambi, but for sport? No way I may have a talking deer head on my wall but it is fake, Rod may have singing fish but they are singing and plastic. I'm thinking they were having trouble with some kind of animal cause there were more than three hunters in the same field. don't know I've just never seen so many hunters on one spot of land.

well it's time for me to go, Ive got a long long list of to do things today so I'll catch up with y'all later

ps Pam sent out an e-mail that her store was closing if you didn't get the e-mail let me know and I'll forward it to you. It's just so sad no scrapbook stores here.


Anonymous said…
I saw Pam's email, and it is very sad. It's sad that she spent all that money on her move and to break her lease, that must be an extreme financial hardship for her. It's sad that the business wasn't sold.

Deb H
Anonymous said…
That's strange that hunters were that close to your house and subdivision.

Have fun with your new do Angie!

I'm sorry that Pam missed a possible opportunity to sell the store.

I'm going to retreat - so Chelle I'll get a check to you in the next day or two. Will that work?

Anonymous said…
I can't wait til retreat. Chelle I will get my info to you! Angie, can't wait to see the new you!!!!
It is very sad that Pam is closing. I was afraid that would happen after Lori left. I thought things were going really good for her then. I wish her only the best.
Anonymous said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TERRI!!!! Hope it's a good one!


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