my southernese is working

Ok y'all know my Mom and Dad are from the great sate of Kentucky so I have a good knowledge of all things southern. But yesterday I encounterd a few things that I didn't understand like

gravey on cantalope
(came up in a conversation at the knitting store and you eat it for breakfast)

it's raining frogs and fish
(a conversation with Rod and Carl)

Now I'm not offended by gravy or cantaloupe but I have never dreamed about putting them together. And the "it's raining frogs and fish" sounds biblical and scary if you ask me. Now I'm not going to shy away I'm fully aware of the southern ideals about pickling things pickled beats, pickled eggs, pickled pigs feet, pickled beans, and of course pickled bologna and I'm sure some of you could add to my pickled list (and for the record I love pickled beets). One or two people replied "Maybe that's just an Alabama thing" or " Don't you think some things are just passed down" but me being me I had the good sense to remain quiet (for once). I mean who knows maybe it's good. And the difference between north and south in this case would be? A southerner will try the gravy and cantaloupe mixture to see if it really is good, just like I once tried sour cream and brown sugar on watermelon.



Anonymous said…
I don't know about the gravy on fruit thing, but the raining frogs I do believe is a biblical reference. I remember a movie I saw that actually showed raining frogs, it was really gross and weird.

Deb H
Anonymous said…
Rod and Carl have both seen it. (Rod-frogs and Carl-fish) It freaked me out when they were talking about it, i just got the willies. a
Anonymous said…
Ok don't know about the frog and fish or the fruit on gravy but what every floats your boat. chelle
Anonymous said…
DH and you thought gravy on biscuits sounded bad. Gravy on canteloupe sounds like it is from another planet (I don't really think that is southern....I've never heard such a thing). djw

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