so the busy week begins

Yes this will be a long week as well as short cause when you need every hour in every day the week tends to fly by.

I want to thank you for coming to crop at the house it was great and we will do it again...soon
I hope all of you that traveled had good trips and light traffic (ha ha) Who ever heard of light traffic on LD weekend?
In ode to the last of official summer I'm listening to a light blue ish cd tonight my way of saying good bye summer, I'll miss you but not your heat and I'm ready to see you autumn, I'm ready for falling leaves, cooler temperatures, and shorter days. (Not that the leaves aren't already falling cause the trees are so water deprived) I'm really looking forward to retreat that's one thing and just having a chance to get away is another, and of course scrap. As the summer closes our recipe books are just about finished, I'll get a list and post it who did what, and who is going to do what. I'll try to get that list early next week some time, I owe pages still so I think dw is the only one caught up (yeah yeah yeah her and her big girl panties).

So all about me is next, do we want to put it in our recipe books or do something separate?
I'll vote for something separate what about you all?

And with that lets recap everyone wants a break and not start till January on our next album (not all about me)? Then we will be starting on a monthly/season book (right?). Or we could all pick a theme like I could do more beach pages and someone else could be fall or something like that. Are we going to do 8x8's? I really like that format it seems more common than 9x9.
And we also would not be stressing dh out with those big pages (just joking dh).

Well It's time to go flip my monthly calender over and maybe get a snack see y'all in blog land soon.
Blessings to you all


Anonymous said…
I don't mind scheduling a crop at my house again. Does anybody have any suggestions for dates? I would love to scrap somewhere the weekend of the 15th (my house or wherever). Would anybody be able to? djw
Anonymous said…
I think Rod wants to have a garage sale that weekend.probably no on friday but after the sale on sat would be great.
on the 22 that is the parade of homes and we will go to that probably so after on that saturday as well.
all of that could change but I dont expect it to.
Anonymous said…
I didn't know we were doing another book.

we n eed a definte head count for retreat money 125 is due on Monday. if you want to use cc i'll need that and if you are writing a check I'll need that or you'll need to take it up there yourself at 9 am on Monday let me know chelle
Anonymous said…
I owe soups (started) and crock pot (recipe picked out), and then I am caught up. I owe 'Chelle some pages and have pages from last weekend for others, so a final count would be good! Me page is fine, if 8x8 I'll add it to my recipe book. Anything else has to wait until after the holidays.

I could possibly crop on 9/15, I would need to leave for JT's soccer game from 1-2, but that is do-able.

I believe I gave "Chelle my CC info for retreat, if not, let me know. I am DEFINITLEY going, can't wait!

Deb H

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