the seat cuishion search

Yesterday was a very full day in which I'm still tired from.

At the current moment I'm just listening to the news hoping it will be as nice as it was yesterday, it was 65 here at the house and beautiful. I'm currently trying to track down a seat cushion for my swing on the patio. Yes I've tried Wal mart, Kmart, Lowe's, Home depot, and Target and no cushion. I'm trying Trees and trends, Big lots today and if un successful (someone start praying) I'm going to need to get material and sew. You all know I can't sew don't you? You all know that any scrapbook page with sewing on it is well....tainted with me. It's all really comes down to self confidence and I can't sew, I'm sewing challenged. The darn cushion is an odd size 52 inches wide and 20 inches deep that's the cause of the searching. When we bought the darn thing at Target they did carry replacement cushions for it, just not now.

All jokes aside it is truly frustration to try to keep "the good stuff" in today's throw it away society. Example Clipie's suggestion was just to get a new swing. But that would be throwing away my old one and it's just something I don't want to do.Why cant buying a seat cushion be simple? Something in life needs to be simple, and I think a seat cushion sounds good, how about you? Why the obsession about the cushion that you have now wasted 15 mins on reading? My niece Bethany (and her hubby Mike) has decided to come for a visit this weekend and I want to use the swing as seating out back.

Moving on to all things scrappy Hobby Lobby has stamps 1/2 off and paper. Soon I will start sharing some baby shower cards but I actually must make them first so I'll get to it a bit later in the week.


Anonymous said…
Good luck on the cushion search. Sometimes Roses has stuff like that and nobody thinks to look there. Also Ace Hardware (by El Matzalan).
Debbie H said…
Well, today it was 40, the warmest day yet, and there is still snow on the ground. Calling for snow tomorrow night, yuck! I have a conflict for NSD weekend, and I am totally bummed out. I am going to do my best to make it for some of the weekend, I am thinking Friday night, Saturday morning, and Sunday afternoon. I hate conflicts that involve work.
Angie: I emailed you about the possibility of summer employment as you posted, but hadn't heard back from you which is very unusual, so thought I would post here if it's not too late.

See everyone soon. PS: AC Moore has a coupon in the paper for the next four days, 50% off any 2 items...guess where I am headed tomorrow!!

Deb H

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