
GET something to drink this one is long!

I have thousands of thoughts running throughout my mind. I'm so thankful to be getting better, this really was a rough patch. I'm so depressed, and disappointed about not going to say good by to Aunt Betty. And on top of that I need to "be well" so I can go see my own mother this weekend. It's been since Christmas and one of the longer stretches of not seeing her so I'm excited to see her and Dad. Which leads me to be guilty again with the Aunt Betty thing because frankly it could be sis and I in there situation, we could be alone and need what small family we have. And with all that I have cooking guilt their is no way on this earth I will be able to cook Easter Dinner. Will my family be mortified when and if I'm able only to have a Stoffer's lasagna dinner from the freezer at Waly mart?
OK now that I have all that out........ I'm so glad at the last crop at Betty's that I had sat down and made a beautiful card for my Aunt and I'm glad that it just was not a Hallmark card you know. Sign and go? I actually took the time to think about her and make something from my own hands, heart and mind.

Last week was a weird one for me here is a very short recap (not, but I did try)

Tuesday: I was not feeling well so I went to the doc to have her check the old lungs while there I had a pretty big asthma attack and ended up on a nebulizer in the office. I got everything under control and I was so looking forward about going to the class at sbv but somehow the attic door was left open (or Pumpkin opened it) and she was lost in the attic for at least a good hour. I thought I had lost my cat for good I tell you, I even thought I was really to lose my mind. We have I beams and they are deep about 12 inches deep or so and well that would cover her I could only imagine her drowning in insulation and seeing that from time to time she would let out a pitiful "cry for her mommy" my imagination continued to wonder. By the time we found her 5:30, she had appeared out of nowhere walking rafters, it was to late to go to sbv and I did not want to drive alone seeing that I had had a huge attack that day.

Wednesday: Clipie had ended up getting up in the night with me because I just was feeling worse. I just was not well and about 4 am he decided that he needed to stay home with me. By 9 am I thought I was going to die.... no joke. Clipe thought it was time for another doctor trip so he scheduled one for the next day as I continued to puke, cough ect. Oh yeah and I passed on my little beauty of a cold to my sis.

Thursday: I was offered a 2 night stay at Greenview in which I did everything humanly possible to get out of and did and I continue to thank the Big Guy upstairs for that one. I was put on a home nebulizer, a 13 day dose of steroids (of the legal sort) and chanting medicine is my friend.

Friday: the fog lifted quiet a bit and the same with this weekend it got much better every day including today.

with a to do list x's 2 one left from last week and now a new one for this, I had better get working on it.

thanks for all you thoughts and prayers these last few days. I really have no ideal what i would do with out my good scrapper friends. I love y'all dearly.


Debbie H said…
Angie, you need to stop with the guilt, life is way too short for all that worrying, my dear. As for Easter dinner, there are other options. What about ordering out from Cracker Barrell or Krogers? One year we ordered from Boston Market and it was super. Think simple. Take care of yourself, you need to be healthy. I am glad that the steroids and treatments kicked in, hopefully you'll be even better by the time you head up to Ohio this weekend. I leave Thursday with Jeanette. My mom said they have at least a foot of snow on the ground and temps every day in the low 30's...I am dreading this trip more than you can imagine!

Deb H
Anonymous said…
Glad you are feeling better. Have a good trip. djw
Anonymous said…
I'm with dh, get over the guilt if they want homemade food let them cook it. I know I don't understand or it isn't that easy. Bah.. order out it won't kill anyone. Cracker Barrel does a crazy business that day so alot of people don't cook.

Take care of yourself chelle
Anonymous said…
Ang - Glad you're feeling better! I've been waiting on the cat story... All I got was a few snippets and didn't quite understand it all. Why bother cooking? I never do! ;) mh

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