sizzix and reasons not to celebrate my birthday early

Have a GREAT Memorial Day weekend!

Start summer off right, eat plenty, play games, spend time with your family and enjoy that summer is here.


Manny scrapers on places like 2 peas and such would say that the sizzix is pretty much dead and I disagree. I recently purchased a clearanced sizzix die and this it is one of the cutest things I have seen for a while. I love the window not only does it remind me of my own home but it's one of those shapes that are timeless. Arched windows have been around for a couple of years right? So I'm sure I'll use it in more ways than just on my greeting card. I'm also sure that I'm not going to quit using my sizzix any time soon. I must admit since I started using my cuttle bug I have thought about getting rid of my side kick.

While this weekend promises to be filled with the first taste's and smells of summer and way to many activities than I can count on, my loving sister has decided that the family should celebrate my birthday early. So I present my top ten reasons not to celebrate my birthday early.

1. It's not my birthday

2. It's way to early

3. It's Alicia's weekend I would not want steel her thunder, her being the graduate and all

4. Gas prices are way to high

5. pshaw my birthday is next month

6. It's just to warm to have a celebration

7. It's been so hot the grass is starting to turn brown (not joking about that) we cant have a grill out cause it may catch the grass on fire

8. see #1

9. I'm not that old....... yet

10. Maybe I'm in denial about it? no that's not it see reason#2


Anonymous said…
When did you buy a cuttlebug?
Anonymous said…
My sister got it for me for Christmas. and i can use anything with it. I really like it. a
Anonymous said…
One hint about the "old fashioned" Sizzix dies- you can cut shapes with chipboard on them. I love mine for that reason, custom made chipboard pieces. I bouth the Sizzix Big Kick to replace my old Sizzix machine not too long ago and love it.

PS: Angie, happy un-birthday :)

Deb H.

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