the day before turkey day

I would like to think that everyone is as busy as I am especially these past few days. Last night I was cooking and I came with this little bit O wisdom

I am tired
I am sweaty
Shouldn't this be over with already?

The food I'm making smells so great
I could have some more, if I weren't watching my weight
As the wee hours stretch in to the night
My pizzelle making is almost finished they came out just right!

As you can tell I did get to sleep about 2 am this morning only to wake again at 5, drink caffeine and be un able to go back to sleep. So in short I'm in need of a nap, tired and grumpy (if I keep it up I can be all seven dwarfs)! Just joking all things aside I love it, I love the results of working so hard and in the end everyone enjoying that hard work. Especially when it tastes so good. I'm going to go take a nap have a visit with Regis and Kelley this morning.



Anonymous said…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Jackie made it home last night. I have to work today and Friday, but plan to have a nice Tgiving anyhow. I'll start cooking tonight so tomorrow won't be too much, just throw stuff in the oven. I have enough food to last us a week!

Deb H
Anonymous said…
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you all!!! Is everybody going shopping Friday??? We will see ya out if you are. Betty, I will look in the front of the lines for you (haha). Are you camping at BB this year? DH, I saw Jackie at WalMart tonight. She even seemed to be having a good time there probably because she can finally drive a car (since she doesn't have one in Lville for some reason). Just kidding!!! Don't forget to Gobble' Gobble' tomorrow!! djw
Betty said…
No camping out for me this year..Deals aren't that great for another 14 hour adventure!

However, I do plan to be out but not until around 3:00 a.m... I'll look for you DW!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and safe travels to those going out of town.
Anonymous said…
Jackie should have looked happy...she had my credit card!

No shopping for me, only on line. I bought some storage cards and memory sticks really cheap from staples. No lines, no delivery fee, delivered to my door on Tuesday.

Deb H

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