
We could have not asked for a more beautiful weekend. Everything was at peak color and the days were warm and the nights were cool.


Anonymous said…
I don't know about the rest of you but, when I got home I was so tired I could have just passed out. I had a great time and got lots of pages done. I will bring my pics on CDs to you all this weekend. We all have some good pics to share.(The ones you posted are really good) I was out of the room for the chicken dance but it looked like fun. djw
I will do the same!
Betty said…
Nice pic.
Anonymous said…
I was very tired, too, and the house was a mess and I had 4 phone calls from work because the idiot IT guy blew up the server. I am so spent right now. I will hopefully upload my pictures in the next couple of days. And maybe I'll be unpacked before Christams!

Deb H
Michelle said…
I had a great time this weekend!!! I am exhausted too as I found all the things that did not get done this weekend and stashes of stuff put behind closed doors.

I'm working on the CD's for Sat.

See ya then!

Michelle H

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