Turkey lurky
2 days!!!!
Sam's club was the place to be yesterday.
I went to peruse the isles of bulk when I had an encounter, Sam the turkey. According to employee's Sam's home is in the wood thicket just beside the store. Sam is a huge thing and also my first close (UFTE = Unidentified Friendly Turkey Encounter) encounter with a real live turkey. However this big chicken was in her car not wanting to touch the Turkey goodness of Sam. I was at Sam's club twice yesterday once early morning (see a visit with Sam) and then again late to pick 87 pictures off of cd's, cause my printer is dead. Now usually I learn from things that happen in my life but not yesterday. I could have kicked myself for not having a camera so I could capture Sam the turkey on film, but my second visit I had yet another encounter. "The van of free speech" I believe it was a mini-van with bumper stickers covering the entire vehicle, including the roof. It was a radical type of thing, downing mostly the theory of smoking and that democrats are liars and raise taxes and so forth. Now we all know that just like most attorneys to be a politician you have got to be able to "bluff or aka lie" So it really makes no difference, who trusts any politician? (I may trust the gov-a-nater but you can chalk that one up to lots of movie watching). Getting back too.... "the van o weird" also had Christmas lights lighting up it's various bits of "wisdom". Yep My camera is going in my purse here in a bit I'm not going to take the chance to miss Sam the turkey today when I go to pick up my photos :)
Sam's club was the place to be yesterday.
I went to peruse the isles of bulk when I had an encounter, Sam the turkey. According to employee's Sam's home is in the wood thicket just beside the store. Sam is a huge thing and also my first close (UFTE = Unidentified Friendly Turkey Encounter) encounter with a real live turkey. However this big chicken was in her car not wanting to touch the Turkey goodness of Sam. I was at Sam's club twice yesterday once early morning (see a visit with Sam) and then again late to pick 87 pictures off of cd's, cause my printer is dead. Now usually I learn from things that happen in my life but not yesterday. I could have kicked myself for not having a camera so I could capture Sam the turkey on film, but my second visit I had yet another encounter. "The van of free speech" I believe it was a mini-van with bumper stickers covering the entire vehicle, including the roof. It was a radical type of thing, downing mostly the theory of smoking and that democrats are liars and raise taxes and so forth. Now we all know that just like most attorneys to be a politician you have got to be able to "bluff or aka lie" So it really makes no difference, who trusts any politician? (I may trust the gov-a-nater but you can chalk that one up to lots of movie watching). Getting back too.... "the van o weird" also had Christmas lights lighting up it's various bits of "wisdom". Yep My camera is going in my purse here in a bit I'm not going to take the chance to miss Sam the turkey today when I go to pick up my photos :)
Deb H