Happy Birthday to

again Happy Birthday
I hope you have a great day.

Last night and Friday we had a great crop. Deb h it was great to meet your Parents and see everyone who dropped by to say hi. Again we thank Betty for getting the club house for us. And send out congratulations to Barb who has just started selling Stamp'in up.

I'm off to El Maz and wally world today I missed church (bummer) buts still need to go to the grocery store. AND SPELL CHECK IS BACK WHOOOOOOOO!



Debbie H said…
I can't believe I forgot to wish Debbie Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday Deb, hope it was a great one! Hope someone cooked for you or took you out to dinner.

Barb is selling Stampin' up? When did that happen? I'll have to get the skinny. I wonder if she is still in the card club then, or if she is out on her own as of now. I'll have to find out!

Miss you all, hope to see somem of you Saturday afternoon after the baby shower, I am going to stop in with Jeanette to wish the mom to be congrats and to do a little scrapping if the invite is still open with B!

Deb H
the barb thing is new. she stopped by to say hi and told us. I think she is still in the card club but not 4 sure.a
Betty said…
Yes, Yes, DH!!!! The invite is open for all and I'm looking forward to some more scrappin time with you all since I can't make Spring Retreat.

Have a great week everyone!!!

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