Ok I'm up

I'm glad to report that I did get more than 2 hours of sleep last night. The bad news is I did not get enough just like the rest of us, I may need a nap this morning out of pure self preservation.
I have wanted to put out my Valentines decoration on the front door (for a week now) but we keep having these winds, I'm afraid it will blow away. It's a big red heart my fil made me out of ply-wood some years ago. I sanded and painted it(back in the day)and have used it every year since he made it for me. I also have a bow up love monkey that I sit on the front porch usually a day or two before. I'll try to get a picture of that on the blog. Can you tell it's a slow blog morning I'm talking about a Love Monkey? I'm off to finish up a few cards and I'll post them later more of the V-day cards.



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