Hey bidder bidder

I hope everyone had a great weekend
I did
We were alone again this weekend! Saturday we went to an auction. I'm so sorry I did not take pictures of this. I know trivial to some of you but this was my very first auction and yes I saved the number. I'm a kid at heart and kids love adventure so this was one for me. We got a number because Clipie intended to bid on a pool table #608. So we browsed around looking over everything and decided on how much to bid for the items we wanted, then just stood there until it began. I'm sure this was not your ordinary auction cause they were flipping burgers and selling them, I would say well over 100 people were there so it was pretty large. When the auction first began I could not tell what the man was saying ,it truly sounded like gibberish. It took a while but I did figure it out. There were mass of farmer type men, big tall burly men who were in groups, and it made me feel short and small : ) and as for women there were so many decorators and that type that is was insane. One decor lady and another got into a bid off (is that what you call it?) and the lady ended up paying 160 bucks for an up light. Nuts I tell ya, just nuts, hasn't the lady ever heard of Kirkland's? They had to have sold about $50,000 worth of stuff in the first 15 min, it was truly an experience. Wondering about the pool table? Someone else bought it for well over 1000 and that was way to high a price for our pocket. We had went earlier in the week and priced new vs used (pool tables) and Clipie will probably end up with a new one unless we find ......another auction.


Anonymous said…
THey always have food at actions. that is part of the fun. At mom and dad's auction in October there were proable between 200 and 250 people there. THey sold 214,000 i the first 30 mins. see ya friday by the way any idea what to bring anyone?
Debbie H said…
My first auction in KY was pretty funny. I have trouble with the accent sometimes as it is, boy oh boy, I couldn't understand a word! It was really comical.

I think I am going to bring fruit on friday. Not sure what else other than the Sonic ice. Betty mentioned making chili, which I never tire of!

Deb H
Anonymous said…
ok I'll tell ya the reason mom made so much is cause she sold the house. Angie I was really just giving you a hard time. love ya

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