I now return

Ok so after a small mini vacation I'm back. My days have been full and my brain and the rest of my body are happy and tired so forgive all my usual colorful and creative usage of the English language and remember it's 12:37 am Saturday night.

All start with today and if I can think back a couple of days I'll tell you those adventures as well.
We went to Bonnie today and yes it was absolute fun. I did learn how to emboss and I don't know, I must have discovered some other cool technique but it escapes me at the moment. We made an album of techniques, each page features a different technique. No I did not finish mine I ditched it for great conversations. Me talk? could you imagine it? However I will say I did not apply my self as usual. I messed up part of it when my flower cutting went wonky. I'm also ashamed to say I did not like some of the other pages (just 2) so....... I have an unfinished album and quite a few great ideals and a great day in my pocket. Afterwards my day was even better when I and djw and I ate at EL MAZATLAN (I"m sure I butchered that) And that my dear friends was absolutely yummy. I can't wait to take Clipie cause he loves the Mexican food (we had our first date at a Mexican restaurant, and he has crossed the border in his younger years, not that has anything to do with what I'm talking about but I feel the need to rattle on).

In other news the Stamped cartridge jumped in my cart today... I had no ideal it was on sale until this afternoon. I also bought a "were moving stamp" and gave it to my sister.
Which leads me to tell you all I have my sis with me, she decided to pop in for a visit! Not that I have seen that much of her she went house hunting most of today and I didn't get back until late.

Last Saturday (at the crop) was the first time I had backed my "Suvie" (nick name for new car) into a parking area. And yes I was scared, but very glad I had the practice come yesterday. It was cold ( who wants to unload grocery's in the cold) so the only solution to unloading the car was to back it into the garage. I'm happy to report that I have successfully navigated my vehicle without crashing into anything (so far knock on wood) and say tuned for Monday when I will be parallel (did you know I can't say the word "parallel"? let alone spell it)parking when I take the vehicle to get licenced. And that's a very long story in it's self that I will save for a more boring time.

Good night all I hope you are having restful weekends and fun with family.


Debbie H said…
Angie, where did you get your cartridge? I stopped at HL after cheerleading, which would be before you stopped, and they had the tag hanging for Printing Press on clearance. Janell went to look for it and when she came back she said they did not have any of the clearance cartridges left. I wish they would just invest in a computer so they knew what they had and how much it cost! Anyhow, I think I might bid for one on ebay, or there is a site I ordered from last year and they have many of the cartridges, including PP for $40 plus $5 to ship.
Anonymous said…
Ryan went back to the office to get it for me. he said it was the last one and it was around 3/4 pm.
Anonymous said…
i got mini monograms on the same sale. I think dw may have gotten stamped. Not sure which one she ended up with. chelle
Anonymous said…
I got mini monograms and I love it.
I think Angie bought stamped so we can all borrow it, huh Angie. djw
Anonymous said…
yep shure thing you can baby sit for a while.a

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