Crops again

Crop for the cure is Febuary 10
@ holy spirit catholic church (beside living hope if you dont know already)
30.00 Lunch and dinner
for moreinfo see post in article below
Debbie W's crop will be
Feb 24th
(oops I had forgot about that)

Retreat is March 9, 10,11!
how's that for info

oh don't for get Betty is set to be a
Grandma again on March 6th

Any birthdays? (besides Dh in March)
Isn't it Dw turn soon?


Betty said…
Yes, I do believe DW has a birthday on the same day as her crop party......
Betty said…
I forgot to mention....Is anyone interested in cropping at the clubhouse on the 9th? It's available.....I wasn't sure if we need that Friday to get "prepared" for Sat,etc.... Just let me know.
Betty said…
Ok, everyone reading this....let me know if you can make it on the 9th, or if you want to crop that night. If the majority isn't interested I'll cancel the reservation. Thanks.

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