I'm posting late so you can read it early!

OK so I'm sorry about the snow thing I only asked for it once and we got it twice. Check on that I'll stop with the snow prayers. OK so I have a busy couple of days ahead of me Monday lots of running around including dropping off the check for the cancer crop, having lunch with clipie, ordering a gift for Bethany (for the wedding of course), of course how could I leave out a trip to wally world. Tuesday knitting, and a new photography class w/clipie this one is scary. he (the teacher Jim ????) evaluates your photos. I have vowed to take pictures of things I do not love or care for. If he would say one of my pics of pumpkin sucks I just might cry, ( I'm so not in the mood to do more crying). I'll take all of the personal elements out of my home work thankyouverymuch. Plus Clipie will be with me I'd like to see him get real verbal with a hulky hubby over his shoulder. So my plate is full the next day or two Blessings to you A


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