Scrapbooking is on QVC today. Die Cuts With a View is on next in 3 min! (8am)


Chelle said…
i called to sign up for crop for a cure and they said it starts at 9 not 830 but we got there early last year to get the seats we wanted right? is everyone going? Because I'm working those scrwed up hours this week i got to see qvc when it started at midnight. alot of stuff sold out just then.
Betty said…
Yes! I'm planning on being there around 8:30, even if I have to wait for the doors to open.

Haven't bought a thing yet. I have to say the Bohemia kit was tempting but I held out and then of course it sold out.

Hmmm, packing light.. I need to figure out how to do that. I'm hoping to get some time to pre-plan some stuff before Sat. Maybe that's what I will work on Friday.
chelle yes to midnight qvc no did not by anything sold out before i could press "dial". DH I too am not bringing a big bag. uh i um havent got very far with my page planing I'm more of a time crunch girl my self (like i had to tell y'all that).

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