
scrapbooking is my art just like painters or fashion designers it all comes down to art. For my last photography class I had to take some artsy fartsy photos. OK so mine weren't that artsy and according to my teacher most of them were on the fartsy side. My nice Alica said to me this week end that art is subjective, who cares if anyone else likes it as long as you like that's what matters. After all your the one who is going to stare at your own art piece right? which led me to think about scrapbooking and the way I scrap. A long time ago I was told that I was "just a beginner" or another statement was" you have so much to learn", or my favorite was "as long as you like it". All somewhat stinging statements if you are really putting lots of effort into your page. Believe it or not that last one was my favorite "as long as you like it" that's right "as long as I like it". I should do each page to get approval from only one person "me". I should love my page because I have spent 5 bucks (sometimes more or less) on that page looking good. Not only is your money invested but time and labor (some people even sweat like me at the cancer crop putting together the contest page), and don't forget Love. If you are making a page for someone you are usually making it out of love, or for someone you love or about something you love. Scrapbookings key ingredient is love, it is centered there in your heart surrounded by the greatest gift LOVE. I love all of you dearly not (well you know) and love to scrap with all of you I'm so looking forward to retreat and good times. Blessings A


was the recipie page due this past weekend? oops I'm kinda on over-load. It will be the first thing I work on when I get to retreat!A
Chelle said…
we are having a crop at dw's on the 31st that is when they are due.

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