Crop dates from Betty

Sat., April 21
Sat. April 28

Fri. & Sat., May 11 & 12
Fri. & Sat., May 18 & 19

Fri. & Sat., June 15 & 16

recipe page topics are

Salad and side
Drinks and Appetisers
Soups and Crock pot

and a "all about me" page in the works when I get questions finished

Thnaks to Betty for her arranging crop nights for us.


Yep My mom called to and told me to bring a coat high 30's next week, I'm so bummed out about that. At lest no snow showers Easter dose not look to bad mid 40's. Look at it this way stick the kids out in the snow and take some pics then you will have some fresh photos to scrap!
Chelle said…
Betty I'm so excited about the crops. I will be there on Sat the 28th all the ones in may and can't remeber but i'm gone in june I think. see ya on the 28th. love you guys.
we love you 2
Betty said…
Thank you everyone for your well wishes for Bill.

I wanted to check in and update the recipe swap. Please remove Barb and Lisa from the remaining food groups. This should bring the total to 7. They do have pages to exchange for the entree and dessert category (hopefully I'll finish mine tomorrow).

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