I hope you all had a great Easter

He had risen -- Indeed he has

I hope you all had a great holiday and had a chance to spend some of it with your family's. I did get to see most of my family and a large part of clipie's. Easter dinner (for me) was by my self in the hospitals Wendy's/ Tim Horten's dining room completed with french Fries, chicken nuggets (that sucked by the way) and a coke.
side note:My sis did want me to join her and offered to bring me Bob Evans but I didn't want to.
Later in the day I was privy to a plate of leftovers my mother in law fixed it for me. It was then followed by a 13 mile drive and I went to bed at 8 pm. woke up at 9 for a slice of apple pie that had lovingly been brought to me by clipie. By 10 I was fast asleep and in dream land.
That was my Easter however I had much to celebrate my Mom is doing well and hopefully coming home in the morning (assuming her bladder kidney infection is getting better).
I also had a minor oops moment I forgot to get clipie a card or gift. I did buy him a take five candy bar from Kroger. It wasn't our usual Anthony Thomas chocolate bunny but I'll get him one before I leave Columbus. Currently card will be placed in mail tomorrow morning and he will get one (pictures to follow later this week, it's a cute card I copied Dh's baskets and went for the scrap lift approach).

Well has anyone herd (is that right herd? I really am a nerd aren't I) anything about Betty and Bill? I have not if you know please send me off an e-mail. Well I'll up date you more later when it's not 1:14 am est.
My love to all of you


I can read the blog but can't post. Here is what I tried to post! (so I'm posting for her via e-mail)

Angie, good news on your mom, so glad things are OK and she is coming home. I have had a long week and just want to come home. I hit some nasty roads on the way up, and the kids had thier easter egg hunt in the snow, it's ridiculous here. Angie, I am honored you scrap lifted me, can't wait to see your card. Also, thanks for the update on Bill. I feel just terrible and send my prayers and well wishes to Betty and Bill. Miss everyone!

Debbie Harris

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