morning scrappers

did you or I should say do you know why some milk cartons are yellow?
I do I do I do!
it's cause down here in the south the uv rays are stronger and the vitamin d gets sucked out of the milk so they shield the milk and vitamin buy using a yellow container. And it keeps the sunlight from sucking up all that vitamin goodness. I just thought y'all need some science this morning : )

So as I'm sitting here typing away and drinking my chocolate milk and starting at my to list for the day I'm wondering how I'm just going to fit it all in. How am I going to find some time to get this list tamed I have no ideal at this moment but I do know I've got my recipe pages done. I will probably stop by sometime tomorrow morning just so I can drop off my pages.

my fur baby has decided i need a companion while i type so at the current moment I'm covered in cat hair and trying to convince her my lap is not the place to be at the current moment. Whats really wrong with her is she knows 2 things one I woke up jumpy this morning thinking I was falling off the bed (and for those of you who don't know i have an extremely high bed i must use a step stool to get into our bed) and sometimes Mr cuddles cuddles me over to my edge and I'll jump in my sleep cause its never far from my mind that I'm not far from the edge. so I was edgy and her being the good pet she is she picks up on things like that. She also is aware of the fact that I'm going to travel and possibly without her. She is not happy kitty this morning she is cuddle kitty which means "if you don't leave my side you can't get ready to go anywhere or do anything away from me". She's greedy that way some times even jealous of Rod, she has been known to meow when he kisses me. She is just my cute little furry weirdo who loves me and I return that love.

and just one more weird fact for the day has anybody noticed that it's like day light before 6 am? I want long summer days to last at least two more months I'm not ready for fall at all this year even though it's been hot I'm not ready for it to stop yet.

see y'all sometime tomorrow morning and no I wont be at chick cause I'm sleeping in!
but if i were going to get up early for some one it would be to scrapbook with y'all.
blessings a


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