Part 1

The wedding

Shane and Shanna

they had the wedding in a very small Baptist church. The ceremony lasted about 15 minutes at the most. The colors were white and red. The reception just a mile down the road was at the rock barn (a historical building in which you need to be a member of the local historical society to rent) was a huge old barn fixed up for people to rent. There was finger food and two cakes (A grooms cake I had never seen a grooms cake before) and the wedding cake it was yellow and so so in taste. And did I mention it was hot? It was so hot parts of my body were sweating that I didn't know could sweat. Every one was dressed up I can only remember seeing 1 lady with pants on all the other women had on sun dresses (my self included) or skirt and top (minus the mother and grand mothers of the bride and groom). All the sun dresses looked strait out of southern fashion plate 101. Up north we just don't dress like that, of course it's not that hot and sun dresses are a no no (in church) up home, you must have something covering your arm even if it's a cap sleeve. And pretty much all but two men (Rod and another guy) had on shirts and tie and quite a few with suit coats. I have no ideal how I would have stood the heat had I not warn a breathable cotton dress, and Rod was wondering how did all the men (is brother and nephew included) not pass out due to heat exhaustion. No joke it was that hot and humid.
It was low a key wedding everyone behaved him and herself and it was a pretty harmonious family gathering.


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