June crop

The good news is
The Crop on June 15 & 16 is on
There is a rainy day plan and that is my house same date same time. Why is there a rain plan?
Bill will be having surgery on the 8 th of June(Yes just 8 days away) Betty wants to still have the crop, she is just not sure if he will be in or out of the hospital by then so plan for the crop regardless and keep Betty and Bill in your prayers.

Anywho that leads us to
Drinks and Appetisers
Soups and Crock pot
I say we do Drinks and Appetisers and save the soups and Crock pot for the fall. I don't know about you all but I'm seriously starting to run into a time crunch here lately.
And you all have seen the "all about me" page I'm going to keep it the way it is but lets wait until after August/September and we will do something very special with it.
And again (as always) a big thank you to Betty for her arranging this crop night for us.

And a note about this blog as you all know we all need a better blog where my articles and your comments don't disappear into computer space. So the blog switch will probably not take place for a while. Yes I have signed up for a new blog at type pad, no I am not familiar with it enough to switch just yet. You can thank my ever dwindling lack of time for that.

As July approaches I don't know how much I'm going to be blogging especially the first three weeks of July, at best it will be sporadic. Just take today as an example It's almost 1am and I'm just now getting to a stopping point. But never fear I will not abandon the blog.

So with that I wish you good night and sweet dreams, or more than likely good morning and I'll see you in blog land tomorrow.
Blessings a


Anonymous said…
Debbie W. is having surgery on the 11th also. I proably won't be there on the weekend of the crop, Emily comes that week. chelle
Anonymous said…
Thank you Angie.

Anonymous said…
Thanks Betty and Angie for working out a crop date. I can't wait to get together. I will keep Bill in my prayers as he approaches surgery, and Deb W as well.

A: Are drinks and appetizers due on 6/15 or are we extending that deadline into July?

Deb H.

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