yes i was very sleepy

Yes I was very sleepy when I wrote yesterdays post (could you tell?) So just so you know I went to the "parade of homes" which I never said oops. Not enough caffeine yesterday and One what? I think I meant once but at this pint who really knows what I was thinking, I did say I was tired : )
I am happy to say that yesterdays popcorn was great and I really enjoyed it. Speaking of enjoy has anyone been watching American Inventor? I can't wait to see tomorrow show, I like it and all but the stuffy britt he's gotta go, he is just down right mean with a lot of rude thrown in (he must be Simon's relation). I loved it when George Forman walked the little boy out it was so sweet it showed he really cared and had a heart I love that personal side of it. I also got a kick out of when Gorge said he let people eat in his Roles Royce! Go Gorge, Hey will you buy me a double cheese burger meal at Micky D's? OK and speaking of TV I'm am so in love with the Haverty's commercial the light humming with the light plucky Caribbean beach tune. I'm in love. Have a great day.

Ps. herd from Dw she is on the mend looking forward to the crop this weekend.


Anonymous said…
I watched that same American Inv. episode last last night I opted for Hell's Kitchen...
Whew - the Chef on that show is crazzzzzy!!!!

So glad to hear DW is doing well!

Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend.....I'll be in and out but I plan on getting some serious work done...ha ha...


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