
As promised my days have been filled with wedding planning as is today which leaves little time for fun stuff like scrapping. yesterday was spent with Styrofoam and fake flowers today will be picture frames and reviewing lists and making new ones.

Earlier this morning I was helping my techno mom retrieve her e-mail. her basket (e-mail) was so full it took a while to download but finally we got it, and she is discovering the wonders of mapquest via e-mail. It always surprises me, my parents who are 76&75 never shrug at using the computer or trying something new, they are never afraid or intimidated by it. When some (like my in laws) who are afraid of a cam corder and any other thing remotely related to technology. What makes some people dive in and want a new experience and others back off and become intimidated at there age? I mean If I ever get the chance to live that long I hope I will be willing to explore and not back away from anything different. What I want to make clear is I want to be 75 writing on my lap top not 75 and running away from the Best Buy computer counter. I know I may not ever understand why we need this particular technology, or even how it works but I want to know how to use it. A great example would be text messaging, can I text message? Yes. Can I tell you how it works? No. Do I do it on a regular basis? No. Do I want, or would I do it on a regular basis? No, but I do know how! Some may call this wanting to be trendy but I don't think so, I think it's just another form of communication just like Morris code was a fad and so was the hamm radio (is that ham or hamm? or something else?).

OK now that you have seen my techo geek i must put it away again. Boring? probably, just ignore it. stay cool in yet another week filled with 100 degree temps!


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