it in there ........somwhere

So as you can guess i haven't had much time to scrap of late. That's one reason why I'm excited about this weekend. Just think the smell of paper and glue the sound of rustling paper......
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh .............................OK so I'm exaggerating a bit but I'm entitled of late I've been severely deprived of my hobby.

Moving on, can you believe Labor Day is staring us in the face? This summer is for all practical stand points over.It's only 10 weeks until retreat and about 16 weeks until Christmas. This weekend will probably be the last weekend of my beloved Haverty's commercial la la la da da. Summer has came and went this year so it's time to send it out in style. Could there be any better way to celebrate it other than to crop with Friends? Of course this will forever be remembered as the wedding hot august summer for me, what memories will this summer hold for you? Maybe that will will be my first page this weekend Remembering summer 07.


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