I'm back

Yes yesterday I was feeling a bit under the weather and didn't even make it to the scrapbook room, a first in a while. I went home over the weekend and came back feeling like a cold was coming on but I feel pretty good today, it's probably just exhaustion. Which is why I feel better today after a day (yesterday)to rest. I was wedding planning while I was up north and there is not much to tell other than that I'm a bit worried about my niece. On Saturday we all sat down and met with the caterer (how do you spell that????)and lets just say by the time it was over(my nice) she had perfected the deer in the headlight look. At 6:30pm she said she could not take it anymore and left, (she came in at 2pm), and she was clearly not fairings as well as we all had hoped. We did get the better part of everything done and just about everything left to do fits easily on three (very small) note book pages. So today I'm going to be making white and blue topiarys.

On another good note my mom had been taking physical therapy or "exercise" as she calls it and she has really improved her physical strength. Sunday morning we skipped out on church to go to Micheal's and she walked around just fine and was ready for more, I'm so excited to see that she is gaining health wise. Did I mention she has lost like 40 pounds? She looks much better than last month when we visited with my cousin. It's so good to see her on the up swing.

Right now wedding projects are calling me so I'd better get to it. I hope you all had a great weekend and I hope all of you got a bit of rain we did twice Sunday night and this morning!


Anonymous said…
Angie, so glad to hear that your mom is doing better, that is super!

Deb H
Anonymous said…
Angie when is the wedding?

Is anyone signing up for the crop pink thing at Bonnie's? Let me know please

Anonymous said…
Angie, hope your mom keeps improving. It sounds like she has come a long way.

Chelle, DH and I are going to Bonnies for the crop pink all day on Saturday. Hope everybody else is going too.

Betty, any word on dates for the clubhouse????????????????
Anonymous said…
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