Days from now we will be basking in retreat goodness. We will be safely tucked away in a secluded and remote area filled with scraphappyness. We will glance at the natural beauty around us as we use un recycled paper in the name of archiving and giggle when we spread the best glues hobby lobby has to offer. We will love the sound of the cricut and call it the best bug ever. We will rejoice in a scrap happy sisterhood and eat at lest three times a day. We will not shy away from Chocolate or sweet, or greasy snacks we will embrace them by chewing the love out of them. We will dress up and act silly and have a great time I'm looking forward to it!



Anonymous said…
wow angie don't really know how to follow that. Except to say I can't wait either. chelle
Anonymous said…
I have a lot to do before retreat but I can't wait to go either. Thank goodness we have the PJs out of the way!!! djw

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