I'd like salt and pepper with that

Ok so if you have not read the posts below chelle has offed to bring us dinner Friday night so come hungry! And a Great big thank you to her for putting that together for us mmm good.

Also I would like to highlight dh today (no I did not tell her about this so surprise dh) but any who dh did us up a page a while back peach tea page. I was a very nice page with little peaches on it and cute (see example page). We all know she is a crafty girl and can put some if the cutest things together, so I wanted to showcase this and point it out. In the November issue of paper crafts magazine there is a very similar l/o that look almost like dh's and while this nice, I like (dh's) better, the peaches she added are to cute. Michele Boyer designed the paper crafts l/o.
And Just so you know we are officially
5 weeks away form retreat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said…
Looking forward to retreat and a nice get-away from the daily grind.

I love the Peach Tea page - so cute in our recipe books.

The only people I'm 100% sure about tonite are myself, DW, Chelle and A. I know T is getting ready to hit the sails but she will probably stop by. I haven't talked to Marketa and Lisa and DH mentioned possibly stopping in.

Anonymous said…
See ya about 5pm Friday night. I am bringing veggies and dip on Sat. Is that ok with everybody??
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Thanks for showcasing my page, how cool.

I won't be by tonight, just too much to do to get ready to go. I would rather stay here, although I am looking forward to seeing my mom and dad.

Retreat...can't WAIT!!!!!

Deb H

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