toot toot

so I did post my cricut l/o on the cricut message board
The prime reason I haven't posted anything before was i could not figure out how to make my file small enough to fit on there pg but found a way as of last night that involved cutting and pasting, I hope I can remember how i did it cause I want to do it again.

right now I'm working on a city snow scape. if it turns out I'll post it too but later after things settle down a bit. I have laundry to do at the moment so I'm off with a date with the washer and dryer (oh joy)

blessings a


Anonymous said…
Love it! Just left a post for you, too cute. I shrink my files for posting by opening them in Paint and shrinking them by 50%, that usually does the trick.

Deb H
Anonymous said…
thanks i never thougt of that I have just been posting them on the blog then cut and paste into the mail. oh my yours sound much more simple thanks

and thanks for leaving me a shout out! a

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