
I hope everyone had a great weekend
I wanted to remind everyone that the crop is Friday and Saturday @ the Club House
Also seeing that we are 4 weeks from retreat, this weekend (and this will be our last crop until retreat) would be a good time to get everything in order for it. So if you think of anything we need to bring let me know and I'll get the word out.

Also we will be planning a clean and crop/ Christmas party for my house on Friday and Saturday November30 and December 1st. White elephant gift $5.00 (same as last year?) sounds good? let's decide Friday and Saturday so you all will have time to think about it.If it's OK with you I'd like to do the Christmas fun stuff Friday and Saturday the clean and organize. To those of you who haven't read my blog long I have a great really wonderful set of Friends who happen to be scrappers and they are going to help me re organize my dysfunctional and unclean scrapbook room. See federal disaster area (I mean my messy scrapbook room below) be for warned the pictures are real and real messy. Unfortunately it took me about two days to get it that clean. uh yep I know I should not be that honest.


Anonymous said…
Friday night would be great for a Christmas party and then clean and organize on Saturday. chelle

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